FBI: gov.

1. The FBI: Federal Bureau Investigation, http://www.fbi.gov/

2. As a threat-based and intelligence-driven national security organization, the mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.

3.  Young and middle-aged men who want a job in law-in-forcement. A job in this field would give men the opportunity to gain experience in specialized jobs created by military and the FBI to defend the United States from terrorists.

4. The FBI focuses on threats that challenge the foundations of American society or involve dangers too large or complex for any local or state authority to handle alone.  To protect the United States from terrorist attacks, protect the United States against foreign intelligences operation and espionage, to protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes, and to protect peoples civil rights.

5. It has some html formating and has some sort of developed slide show presentation that tells a little bit on what they do everyday.
